3大学合同イベント「Language Exchange Free Talk Event」を開催しました!

日本時間で11月23日、アメリカ中部時間(CST)で11月22日に、第3回目となる"Language Exchange Free Talk Event"を開催しました!
今月も、津田塾大学、テキサス大学ダラス校、カンザス大学の3つの大学から学生が集まり、「食欲の秋 (Seasonal Foods in the Fall)」をトピックに、日本語と英語で交流しました。
On November 22nd (CST) / November 23rd (JPT), we held the "Language Exchange Free Talk Event!"
This event was the third collaboration between 3 universities (Tsuda University / University of Texas at Dallas / University of Kansas). Students from the US and Japan joined and had fun talking in Japanese and English about "Seasonal Foods in the Fall (食欲の秋)."
We talked about Thanksgiving in the US, which people celebrate by eating turkey with their family. In Japan, people often use the phrase "shokuyoku-no-aki," which means fall is the best season for eating!
We had a great time exchanging culture! Thank you to all the participants.
We are planning to hold this event next with the theme of Christmas. Please join us!