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JCW Event Report - JCW設立6周年記念パーティー(Mar 30, 2024)

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

JCW 6th Anniversary Event

At Kendra Scott in Plano, TX

At Kendra Scott in Denver, Co

3月30日に、ダラス&デンバーの2拠点のKendra Scottにて、JCW設立6周年記念パーティーを同時開催!おかげ様で、たくさんの方々にお会いすることができました。ご来場頂いた皆様、そして活動支援のためにショッピングを通じてご寄付を頂いた皆様、本当にありがとうございます。対面にて日々の感謝の気持ちをお伝えすることができ、大変貴重な機会となりました。

今回は、初めましてな方やお久しぶりな方、そしてPAW(SA)の学生支部活動を通じて、UTD・UNT・Texas A&M Commerceからの学生さんとも対面でお会いすることができました。あっという間の素晴らしい2時間でした。


On March 30th, JCW hosted the 6th anniversary party at Kendra Scott in Dallas & Denver! Thank you very much to everyone who came & participated in the fundraising activity to support our activities. It was a very valuable opportunity for us to express our sincere gratitude in person.

This time we got to meet a variety of people as well as those who support our PAW(SA) student association from multiple universities such as UTD, UNT, and Texas A&M Commerce. It was a wonderful two hours!

JCW will continue pursuing meaningful and valuable activities to contribute to the empowerment of working women in the US and around the world. Thank you again for your continued support!

Lastly, special thanks to all the awesome sponsors who made this party successful - we truly appreciate your kindness!

[Event sponsors]


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