Accounting Supervisor Chemical Company in Japan Kaori Sato

Q1. 現在はどのようなお仕事をされていますか? What is your occupation?
Answer 化学メーカーに入社して、約20年くらい経ちます。現在は経理関係の部署に異動して3年が経ちました。仕事は決算関係の業務とグループ会社間の契約を担当しています。
I have been working for a chemical company in Japan for 20 years. For the past three years, I am in charge of accounting, such as closing and coordination among group companies. Additionally, I am in charge of cost and managerial accounting, variance analysis on budget and actuals, and I report financial statements for the company both internally and externally. Basically, I crunch numbers.
Q2. お仕事でやりがいを感じるのはどのような時ですか? What is the most rewarding part of your work?
Answer 全社の数値を扱っているので、会社の動きとして好不調の状況がよくわかることです。
As I deal with company's financial data, I follow our company's ups and downs. I serve as a window person for the group companies, and I often receive questions and requests from business partners. I feel rewarded when I am able to consolidate financial data and help my business partners resolve their issues. Although I deal with people from the same group companies, I always think of customers who are outside of our companies.
Q3. 逆にお仕事で大変だと感じるのはどのような時ですか? On the other hand, what are the difficult parts of your work?
Answer 毎日、大変です(笑) 今は時短をしていることもあって、その短い時間の中でやってもやっても仕事が終わらない気がします。そのため、休みがなかなか取れないのがちょっと辛いです。
Every day is a challenge!
Currently, I am working shorter hours, so I feel a day is not enough to finish my work and it is difficult for me to take vacation.
Q4. これから仕事面、プライベートどちらでも何かチャレンジしたいことはありますか? Is there something new that you would like to try, either for your work or private life?
Answer 仕事面では、チャレンジというか、数字に強くなるために勉強していきたいです。
It is not exactly a challenge, but I would like to deepen my knowledge on accounting.
In my private life, I would like to travel abroad with my family after the pandemic.