津田塾大学&DJCW (Dallas Japanese Career Women)インターンプログラム終了のご報告
Report on Summer Internship Program with Tsuda University (Tokyo, Japan) and DJCW

また、チーム1はインターン業務の一環としてRICCI EVERYDAYの創業者仲本千津さん(ダラス時間8月27日夜実施の「世界で働く日本人女性と繋がろうシリーズ第4弾・ウガンダ編」にご登壇)にインタビューし記事を作成しました。当ウエブサイトにインタビュー記事が掲載されていますので、ぜひ目を通してみて下さい!
DJCW offered a Summer internship program from the end of July for a month. We had 13 students from Tsuda University (Tokyo, Japan) and promoted projects with three teams. During the program, the interns also experienced as facilitators for our event, "Online session for college students & Japanese professionals in the US", held on August 5, 2021, CDT.
Team 1 was in charge of "Public Relations, International Cooperation and Social Business", Team 2 was in charge of "Fundraising & Award Planning" and Team 3 was in charge of "College students network platform planning". All the projects were successful. Staff from DJCW were also empowered by the interns. For the Team 1, one of their assignment was to interview Ms. Chizu Nakamoto, a founder of RICCI EVERYDAY (a guest speaker for our event "Connect with Japanese career women in the globe, the 4th event, Uganda” held on August 27th, Dallas). The article is posted in our website!
On the last day of the program, each team gave a 30-minutes-presentation using PowerPoint slides. Every team provided us great proposals with their fresh eyes.
It was also great learning opportunities for all our staff members. We will continue to support college students who will soon play important roles in our society!