2023年 DJCWから新年のご挨拶
Happy New Year from DJCW!

また、昨年は、将来社会に出て活躍する未来のワーキングウーマンとなる女子大生達とのつながりを深めた年でもありました。東京の津田塾大学と協力して、7月にはDJCWの学生支部Unlimited powered by DJCWを設立。また10月には「日米女子学生オンラインサミット」を主催して、新たなネットワークと学びの場を提供することができました。
学生達を応援する一方で、Lean In DJCW Circleという勉強会を定期的に実施し、現役社会人の女性達と共に社会の課題について協議する機会も提供致しました。このような様々な活動を推進することで、私達女性ひとりひとりが、キラキラと輝きながら働ける社会を構築するお手伝いができたのではないかと思います。
このような活動が評価され、2022年7月にはガールスカウト日本連盟主催の「Community Action Challenge 100 Award (CAC Award)」のファイナリストに選出されるという、大変名誉ある機会を頂くことができました。これらは全て、DJCWに関わって下さっている皆さまの応援があったからに他なりません。改めて御礼を申し上げます。
2023年1月 DJCW代表 北村祐子
Happy New Year!
The year of 2022 was the time in which we were able to gradually get back to our daily life with the "With Corona" spirit, despite the continuing COVID situation. Thanks to your support, in April 2022, we were able to resume the in-person Happy Hour. It was great to see all of you, especially in the Fall Festival (Aki-Matsuri) that was held by Dallas Japanese Association.
Last year was also a year to expand our connections with female college students who will become future working women in society. In cooperation with Tsuda University in Tokyo, we established the DJCW student chapter called “Unlimited powered by DJCW” in July. We also hosted the "US/Japan Women Students Summit" in October, which provided a new networking and learning opportunity to college students in both Japan & the US. While supporting students, we also held regular study sessions called "Lean In DJCW Circle" to provide opportunities to discuss social issues with working women. By promoting these various activities, we believe that DJCW got to contribute in building a society where each and every one of us women can shine.
In July 2022, we had the great honor of being selected as a finalist for the Community Action Challenge 100 Award (CAC Award) sponsored by the Girl Scouts of Japan. All of this was possible only because of the support of everyone involved with DJCW. We would like to thank you again for your support.
This year 2023 marks the 5th anniversary of the DJCW. We will continue to move forward toward new horizons while promoting meaningful activities together with you. We look forward to your continued support.
Yuko Kitamura – DJCW President
2023年 Unlimitedから新年のご挨拶
Happy New Year from Unlimited!
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