皆さん、こんにちは!Yukoです。皆さんはシーズンによってメイクを変えたりしますか?私はほぼ1年中同じメイクで、レパートリーは基本的に スーパーへ買い物用、お出かけ用くらい。。日本だと春メイクでピンクのアイシャドウなんてよく雑誌などで見かけますが、似合わなかったら嫌だな。。と思うとなかなか手が出せず(笑) かといって、ピンクメイクも似合うように研究!なんてエネルギーもなく。。きっと私以外にも同じような方がいる!と信じて、私なりのズボラ春メイクをお伝えしま~す^^
Do you change your makeup by season? I basically wear the same makeup all your around, going to grocery shopping and some other places... I often see articles about Spring makeup items such as pink eye shadows in Japanese magazines. However, I am a bit hesitant to try something different as I do not have energy to spend time on experimenting pink makeups. I believe some people are like me and would like to introduce my effortless Spring makeup!
One of the times that I would highly recommend is "highlighter." You can use highlighter which is a tone brighter than your skin color with fine lame. It makes your face more distinguished. I love using it during the spring time, however, if you use too much during the summer time, it will shine with sweat. I use highlighter throughout the seasons and highly recommend it if you want to try something new without failure. My recommendation is Chanel highlighter sticks which have been sold out in Japan. I have never seen highlighter with fine lame and smoothness! Highlighter is something that you do not have to use a lot of, and it is cost effective!